Pet Poison Prevention

Keep your pet safe.
OTC Medication & Prescriptions
This is one of the most common reasons why owners call the Pet Poison Hotline. Beware of over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription medication, such as antidepressants and vitamins.
Dangerous People Food
It's best to stick to pet food for pets. The following foods are extremely dangerous to dogs:
- anything with xylitol (including some peanut butter, gum, and sugar-free items)
- dark chocolate
- grapes
- raisins
- garlic
- onion
- salt
- animal bones (especially chicken)
- avocado
- macadamia nuts.
House Plants
Avoid plants such as lilies, sago palms, oleander, and cyclamen. Plants may bring brightness to your house but pose a hazard to your pets if ingested. For a full list of dangerous plants, visit
Household Chemicals
Beware of laundry and toilet tablets, dryer sheets, contact with carpet cleaners, bleach, antifreeze, insecticides, rodenticides, and fertilizers. Keep all products locked away from curious pets.
Need Help After Hours?
If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call:
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) at (888) 426-4435*
*A consultation fee may apply.